Remember that it took time to put on the weight, so it will most definitely take time to lose it. It’s not like in the movies, where the weight melts off in a matter of minutes or hours. In real life, you will need to work at it to lose the weight.
In fact, by thinking that you will be able to lose weight in no time at all, or that you will be able to lose the weight easily, you are setting yourself up for a fall. It is all too easy to allow yourself to believe that you can lose the weight in no time; that you can change your life around and get on the right weight loss track without having to break a sweat even. This is simply not true.Even before you begin to change your lifestyle around to try and lose weight, you should ideally get to grips with the fact that it will take time to do so. This is true even if you only have a few pounds to lose.
Unless you want only to lose a pound or two or three you won’t be able to move the excess weight very fast, at least not in a truly healthy manner.
Since the ideal weight loss for a person is said to be about two pounds per week, you will need to calculate accordingly and come to terms with how much you should lose per week healthily.
There are also other methods of weight loss which you can use to lose weight faster but these options should be explored with due consideration. And if you are thinking about using any such method for weight loss, you should ideally consult with a doctor before you proceed too far along.