Sweat More whilst Exerting Yourself Less

Many people tend to believe that the amount of sweat you produce is proportional to the amount of effort you are exerting. Although this is generally true, there is one instance in which it is not. If you are the type of person who likes to sweat it out but doesn't favor the strenuous, fast-moving exercise associated with it, keep reading.

Stretching, which is generally the main component in yoga, is a form of exercise that does not require one to do several repetitions of a routine. In yoga, a person only stretches out his or her muscle by executing a certain position properly. Accompanied by proper breathing, staying in a single position for a few minutes, like a breathing mannequin, can make one sweat just as much as a person who does more vigorous exercise.

Sweat More whilst Exerting Yourself LessSome say this is not exercise. The main argument used by the people who believe this is that since your body is not being forced then there is nothing gained. After all, no pain no gain, right? Well yoga experts beg to differ. Their main argument is “You try some yoga stretching and see for yourself if it it’s not something to sweat about.” Remember that when you sweat, you are exerting yourself therefore burning some calories and thus losing weight. Perhaps not as many calories as aerobic exercise, but Yoga has other benefits and in terms of calorie expenditure, every little helps.  What makes stretching a good weight loss technique is that you don’t stress yourself too much. Unlike other exercises, stretching does not push your body to the extreme and so it is harder to do damage to yourself when you are just starting out.

By just stretching, you don’t need to spend much of your time. However, you still achieve the same result. The key to success is finding a position that works your entire body. If this cannot be achieved in one position, then perhaps multiple positions will have to be considered. Besides that, the only other point that you must keep in mind is breathing. Remember to breathe through your nose. Do not let the air pass through your mouth while you are inhaling nor while you are exhaling. There are many benefits to stretching as opposed to doing outdoor exercise. It does not only save your skin from being exposed to the harmful sunrays, but it also helps maintain your complexion because you usually stay indoors.

As with any other activity that makes you sweat, don’t forget to drink water first before stretching. The best time to drink water is throughout the day and not to glug pints of it immediately before you begin your activity. The reason why drinking water right before your activity is bad is because all the water gets trapped in your stomach and has not yet reached your body tissues. Remember, water can also normalize your blood flow. Finally, do not stretch when you are full or have just eaten a large meal, this is not only bad for your digestion but can also cause you to cramp and acquire an injury.