Do you often find yourself tucking into a tub of ice cream or eating a whole pizza pie even though you're not hungry? Perhaps you've had a stressful day at work, or you've just split up with your partner, or you're just plain bored. If you turn to food for comfort then we've got some weight loss tips for emotional eaters to help you break the cycle and get healthy.
1. Recognize your triggers
Do you eat when you're hungry, or when you're bored, sad, stressed or angry? Do you eat while watching television, or do you use food as a reward for a job well done?
Get a notepad and keep a journal for the next week. You need to write down exactly what you ate and when, and how you were feeling at the time. Be honest with yourself.
2. Learn how to overcome your triggers
Now you know what prompts you to comfort eat you can start to do something about it by swapping eating for a different activity.
-Boredom - if you eat when you're bored then think about starting a new hobby. If you have something you are passionate about which occupies your mind and your hands you won't have to worry about turning to food.
-Stress - if you eat because you're stressed then you need to find another way to relieve the tension, and exercise is a great way to do that. A good cardio workout will get the blood pumping and release endorphins which are great stress relievers. If you don't like the thought of going to a gym or taking an exercise class get yourself a DVD and workout at home. The Biggest Loser Cardio Max Workout is a great one to start with.
Sad or lonely - if food is your comfort blanket when you're sad or feeling alone then turn to your friends instead. If you don't feel you can talk to them about what is upsetting you try an online support group. Bottling up your feelings and trying to use food to mask them will only make you feel more upset in the long run.
3. Other alternatives to eating
Other things you can do instead of eating when you feel emotional are:
- drinking water - thirst can be mistaken for hunger so make sure you drink water regularly throughout the day
- take a walk - walking can help you clear your mind, and you'll burn calories in the process
- dance like there's no one watching - put on your favorite upbeat tracks and dance around the room to get your heart beating
- watch a funny movie - laughter is a great stress reliever so if you've had a bad day at the office skip the ice cream and watch a good comedy instead
- remove the temptation - in the early days any junk food left in the house can be enough to beat your willpower, so replace all of the temptations with healthy snacks
4. Talk to a professional
If you are comfort eating because you are grieving or you're trying to cope with a divorce or other loss then it might help you to talk to a professional like a psychotherapist or personal coach. You may need to come to terms with certain issues before you can begin to tackle your emotional eating effectively.