The primary types of detox diets include:
1-Total Body Cleanse :
The total body cleanse is the most comprehensive type of detox diet that you can use. It works to cleanse the entire body of possible toxins such as food addictives, pesticides, pollutants from the environment, industrial chemicals, etc. The total body cleanse includes many different facets because it cleans many different systems
within the body, including the following:
• Colon
• Liver
• Kidney and bladder
• Lung
• Lymphatic system
• Skin
2-Liver Flush :
The liver flush is designed to clean out the liver and relieve such problems as low energy, itchy skin, dry tongue, poor digestion and problems with weight gain. It may also help depression in some cases. The liver works to provide the body with essential amino acids, which is imperative to helping the body to repair problems and produce lean muscle mass. A liver flush cleans out toxins so that the liver can work properly and ensure that the production of amino acids is not slowed down.
3-Kidney and Bladder Cleanse :
A kidney and bladder cleanse works to flush out toxins specifically from the bladder and the kidneys. Since the kidneys are especially sensitive to possible infections, this is an important detox diet to consider in order to ensure that the kidneys are working properly.
4-Colon Cleansing :
As you might have guessed, a colon cleansing specifically targets the colon. The goal of the colon cleanse is to scrub the inside of the colon and remove and residue that may be present. This will help to ensure that the colon is working properly.
5-Foot Detox :
Foot detoxification is a relative new idea in the field of detoxification. Special pouches are used with this form of detoxification. The pouches are filled with a variety of herbs to dilate the small blood vessels and release cellular waste from the body. In many ways, this detox program works much in the same way that sweating does, with the exception that the toxins are drawn out from the feet.
Foot detoxification is a relative new idea in the field of detoxification. Special pouches are used with this form of detoxification. The pouches are filled with a variety of herbs to dilate the small blood vessels and release cellular waste from the body. In many ways, this detox program works much in the same way that sweating does, with the exception that the toxins are drawn out from the feet.